Electronics, MSc in Engineering

University of Southern Denmark
Miasto, kraj
Odense, Denmark
Czas trwania studiów
2 lata
Zakres programowy
Electronics & Embedded Technology
Koszty studiowania
0 €
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Winter intake start date
Zakończenie rekrutacji
Winter intake deadline
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery

With an MSc in Engineering - Electronics you will be a specialist in power electronics and embedded systems which are found in almost all electronic equipment today. You will learn to combine the two disciplines in practice and thereby play a central role in the development of the future's intelligent products. For example, hybrid and electric cars use power electronics and intelligent control to ensure reduced energy consumption.

Control and power electronics go into space crafts and satellites, among other things, to convert energy from solar panels, fuel cells and batteries. The electronic engineer's skills are also used in the development of products such as smartphones, censors, intelligent washing machines, drones, emergency power systems, frequency converters and robots.

Study Environment

Lecturing typically takes place in small groups and throughout the programme you will also work on projects in small groups.

Wymagania rekrutacyjne

Na studia magisterskie mogą kandydować wszyscy, którzy ukończyli studia licencjackie lub inżynierskie (studia I stopnia), studia magisterskie lub studiują na ostatnim roku studiów I-stopnia. Studia, które planujesz powinny mieć zbliżony profil do tych obecnych lub ukończonych, ponieważ w procesie rekrutacji kluczowa jest ich zgodność programowa.

  • Wykaz punktów ECTS – osoby, które są jeszcze w trakcie studiów, muszą załączyć wypis punktów ECTS, w którym będzie wykazane, jakie przedmioty były realizowane na studiach oraz ile punktów za nie otrzymano.
  • Dyplom ukończenia studiów licencjackich lub inżynierskich – jeśli jesteś absolwentem wyższej uczelni, nie potrzebujesz wypisu, wystarczy załączyć dyplom ukończenia studiów wraz z suplementem (w języku angielskim lub oryginał z tłumaczeniem)
Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego
  • TOEFL IBT - 88. For validation, we need to receive a score report directly from the test center. To select University of Southern Denmark as recipient, use the code 7969. Please choose "other - department not listed". If you have already taken the test, you can still make a request for the test center to forward the report. Please inform us once you have made such a request.
  • IELTS - 6.5
Ważne wymagania

You can apply if you hold a similar, relevant degree within Science or Engineering. To be considered, your degree must include a minimum of:

  • 15 ECTS in Mathematics
  • 15 ECTS in Physics, mechanics and electro physics
  • 40 ECTS in Electronics, analogue and digital
  • 10 ECTS in Signal processing, control and regulation
  • 10 ECTS in Programming and simulation tools

As a student in Engineering at SDU Sønderborg, you are guaranteed your first job when you finish your MSc studies. You can find more information here.

The programme offers a range of career options both in Denmark and abroad. You can get a job as a development and research engineer or project leader in development projects, technical manager, consultant and contractor. It is typically within branches which work with the development of electronic products, green technology, sustainable energy and transport systems.

You can also continue with a 3-year research programme which leads up to a PhD. For graduate civil engineers there is also the option to undertake an industrial research programme which is conducted in close collaboration with a company where you will be employed.