
University of Twente
Miasto, kraj
Enschede, Netherlands
Czas trwania studiów
1 lata
Zakres programowy
Koszty studiowania
2530.00 EUR
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Winter intake start date
Zakończenie rekrutacji
Winter intake deadline
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery
Deepen your understanding of human behaviour to design effective solutions to societal problems.

To understand human behaviour means to understand the world. So, in tackling today’s challenges – from health crises to criminality to rapid advances in digital technologies – an in-depth psychological understanding of human cognition and behaviour is indispensable.


Conflict, Risk & Safety

Educational Psychology

Health Psychology & Technology

Human Factors & Engineering Psychology

Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology

What does it take for people to trust new technologies? How can you promote healthy lifestyles, and take care of mental health and well-being, in times of rising anxiety, depression and burnout rates? What causes (and prevents) criminal behaviour and what’s the best way to negotiate conflicts? And how do people process information and can you support their learning processes? These are just a few of the many, versatile questions you might deal with during the Master’s in Psychology at the University of Twente.

In this one-year, English-taught Master’s, you will gain insights into various fields of psychology in order to design effective interventions to influence human behaviour. You will be ready to tackle complex present-day and future problems, by combining theoretical knowledge with a hands-on approach. Moreover, the field of psychology is placed in the technological context of our 21st-century society. You will build your expertise within one of the five specialisations.

Wymagania rekrutacyjne

Na studia magisterskie mogą kandydować wszyscy, którzy ukończyli studia licencjackie lub inżynierskie (studia I stopnia), studia magisterskie lub studiują na ostatnim roku studiów I-stopnia. Studia, które planujesz powinny mieć zbliżony profil do tych obecnych lub ukończonych, ponieważ w procesie rekrutacji kluczowa jest ich zgodność programowa.

  • Wykaz punktów ECTS – osoby, które są jeszcze w trakcie studiów, muszą załączyć wypis punktów ECTS, w którym będzie wykazane, jakie przedmioty były realizowane na studiach oraz ile punktów za nie otrzymano.
  • Dyplom ukończenia studiów licencjackich lub inżynierskich – jeśli jesteś absolwentem wyższej uczelni, nie potrzebujesz wypisu, wystarczy załączyć dyplom ukończenia studiów wraz z suplementem (w języku angielskim lub oryginał z tłumaczeniem)
  • Uwaga! Każdy kierunek magisterski może mieć inne wymagania i wymagać specyficznych dodatkowych dokumentów. Przed aplikacją sprawdź na stronie uczelni, jakich dokumentów potrzebujesz! 
Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego

IELTS - 6.5

Many opportunities await you as a psychologist. Most people associate the work of psychologists with the healthcare sector. But psychologists are active in government, business, education and industry. Regardless of the sector, psychologists research and analyse behaviour and look for practical, possibly technological, solutions for psychological issues.  

Once you’ve completed your degree, and depending on your specialization, you’ll be ready to take on a job as a behavioural scientist, a researcher, consultant or a trainer. Below you can read more about the career prospects associated with the various specializations. 


During your Master's specialization in Conflict, Risk & Safety, you will learn how to develop, implement and evaluate safety interventions. This means that you will be suited to work as a behavioural scientist with the police or the ministry of Defence or Justice, or as a trainer, mediator, security researcher or consultant. You might also get a job as a security consultant or coordinator at a private or public organization, a personnel manager, a policy officer or a consultant at a ministry or a multinational company. Another option is to become a security researcher/consultant (at a university, or at the Research and Documentation Centre, the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, or the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment).


Once you have completed your Master's specialization in Health Psychology & Technology, you will play a coordinating and initiating role in designing, implementing and evaluating, and purchasing innovative health-promoting interventions for the public, patients and caregivers. You will be able to work as a researcher, a policy officer or a coordinator for Health Psychology interventions at health promotion institutes, such as the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands Institute for Sport and Physical Activity (NISB) or Soa Aids Nederland, hospitals or health care facilities, GGDs (Community Health Services), companies and research institutes.


As a graduate from the Master's specialization in Human Factors and Engineering Psychology, you are just as comfortable in the business world as in research. Think of all the different industries in which human factors play a crucial role: from the automotive, technological and medical industries to consultancy. Your future job could involve working as part of an interdisciplinary team, in which you are the linking pin between the design team and the user during the different stages of production. As a student in this field, you have a keen interest in the design, introduction and evaluation of products in companies such as Vredestein, UL Wiklund, ProRail or Nedap. As a human factors expert, usability expert or consultant, you can work in large (international) companies, such as Philips or Volkswagen. You also have the option of working as a researcher at a university or an organization such as TNO or IfADo. And if you want to progress further after your Master's, you can go on to complete a post- Master's degree in User System Interaction in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.


In the Master's specialization Learning Sciences, you are taught how to research learning processes in different contexts and when to propose necessary instruction solutions. With this knowledge, you can advise on the improvement of learning processes and learning outcomes. With your knowledge of instruction methods, you can work on developing learning arrangements, with or without ICT, in the profit or non-profit sector. 

Many of our graduates find jobs in the so-called care structure of education. This includes training, consultancy and development companies (Bright Alley, Eluxis), test development and test administration (A-Vision, Dexlex, Cito) and organizations that support education (SLO, KPC group, TechYourFuture). A smaller percentage of our alumni choose jobs in research or become teachers at a university of applied science.