Information and Communication Technology - Software Engineering

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Miasto, kraj
Deventer, Netherlands
Czas trwania studiów
4 lata
Zakres programowy
Computer Sciences, Software Engineering
Koszty studiowania
2530.00 EUR
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery
IT is everywhere! Ordering tickets for a concert, applying for a student loan, calling your friend who is away on a study trip – this and more can all be done online nowadays. IT specialists play a key role in keeping such day-to-day activities running smoothly. The Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering is an excellent preparation for a dynamic career. Are you keen to design and develop creative applications?

Within the four year programme of Software Engineering you will learn to design and develop software: from idea to realization.  You will learn the craftmanship of software development. Learn how to design robust, maintainable software.  Learn all about subjects such as: object-orientation, algorithms & data structures, designing and developing methods for software, web applications, mobile applications, server-side software, search engines, system architecture, networks, databases, security etc. You can specialize in different subjects such as Big Data Technologies, Advanced Mobile and Hybrid Development or the Internet of Things.

ICT is omnipresent and new possibilities are discovered every day! As an expert, you are desperately needed, especially if you think in terms of solutions and have considerable technical knowledge. During the HBO-ICT degree programme, you are trained to become a professional Software Engineer. A software engineer that is able to understand the needs of a customer and is able to create fit technical solutions for that. Taking into account principles like maintainability, robustness, efficiency and security. These skills and abilities together with good social competences makes you a valuable employee for many companies.

The fourth year consists of a six-month specialisation phase. You will immerse yourself in a topical issue within the subject area. After completing the specialisation, you will be ready for your final test: the graduation assignment.​ This will conclude your degree programme.

  • Advanced App Development
  • Big Data Technologies
  • Internet of Things
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
  • Wypis ocen – jeśli wciąż się uczysz i dlatego nie masz jeszcze świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej, bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.
  • Świadectwo dojrzałości i świadectwo ukończenia szkoły średniej – w przypadku ukończenia szkoły średniej nie potrzebujesz wypisów ocen – wystarczy, że do formularza aplikacyjnego załączysz Świadectwo dojrzałości wraz ze świadectwem ukończenia liceum lub technikum.

Przed aplikacją sprawdź wymagania bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni. W przypadku problemów ze znalezieniem szczegółowych, aktualnych wymagań, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.


Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego

Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w jeden z następujących sposobów:

  • IELTS - 6.0
  • TOEFL – 80
Ważne wymagania
  • Procedura Meet & Greet - składa się z formularza sprawdzającego motywację i interview online (po zaaplikowaniu).

Once you have graduated, you may carry the title Bachelor of Science and you will have become an ICT expert who knows about the latest innovative technologies. The demand for ICT professionals is high and therefore you will have plenty of great jobs to choose from.

Bachelor in Software Engineering - Job opportunities 

Once you have graduated, you may carry the title Bachelor of Science. Here a few examples of Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering jobs:

  • Front-end developer
  • Back-end developer
  • Data Scientist / Artificial intelligence engineer / Big data Engineer
  • Systems Analyst
  • Systems Architect
  • Internet of things engineer
  • Mobile application engineer
What are your chances of finding a job?

The chances that you will find a job that fits your educational profile are very high: 92% of the graduates find a job at their level and within their discipline in less than a year and a half.