
Studiujesz na kierunku AP Degree w Danii i nie wiesz co potem?

Do tej pory w Danii było dostępnych wiele kierunków Top-Up w języku angielskim ale, niestety, przeważająca ich część została zlikwidowana.

Na szczęście współpracujące z Kastu International uczelnie w Belgii  znalazły alternatywę dla osób, które chcą kontynuować studia po AP Degree.



Kierunki AP Degree i studia Top-UP, na które można po nich aplikować:

Marketing Management (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
UCLL University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)International Business Management - Marketing*

AP degree

VIVES University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Business Management 1 year (60 ECTS) 1116€ AP degreelink
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)International Business and Trade


B2 level certificate**


* Thomas More and UCLL will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits and grades. After evaluation of the application form university will send you an individual offer to start studies in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management (AP degree)

University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
VIVES University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Hotel Management - Hospitality Management1,5 year (90 ECTS) 1116€AP degreelink
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)International Tourism and Leisure1,5 year (90 ECTS) 1116€B2 level certificate*link

TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

Automotive Management (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
VIVES University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Automotive Management1,5 year (90 ECTS) 1116€AP degreelink
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Automotive Technology


B2 level certificate**


* Thomas More will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits and grades. After evaluation of the application form university will send you an individual offer to start studies in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

IT Technology (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Applied Computer Science*
B2 level certificate**link
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Information and Communications Technology (ICT)*
B2 level certificate**link

 * Thomas More will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits and grades. After evaluation of the application form university will send you an individual offer to start studies in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

Design, Technology and Business (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Branding & Activation*
B2 level certificate**link
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Public & Corporate Affairs*
B2 level certificate**link

* Thomas More will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits and grades. After evaluation of the application form university will send you an individual offer to start studies in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

Multimedia Design (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
Howest University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Digital Design and Development (Devine)*
AP degreelink
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)International Digital Product Architect*
B2 level certificate**link

* Thomas More and Howest University of Applied Sciences will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits, grades and portfolio. After evaluation of the application form, Howest will send you an individual proposal to start studies in the Digital Design and Development study program in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

Financial Management (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)International Business and Trade*
B2 level certificate**link

* Thomas More will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits and grades. After evaluation of the application form university will send you an individual offer to start studies in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

Logistics Management (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)International Business and Trade*
B2 level certificate**link

* Thomas More will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits and grades. After evaluation of the application form university will send you an individual offer to start studies in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

Computer Science (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Applied Computer Science*
B2 level certificate**link
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Information and Communications Technology (ICT)*
B2 level certificate**link

 * Thomas More will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits and grades. After evaluation of the application form university will send you an individual offer to start studies in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.

Commerce Management (AP degree)
University (country)Top-up programTop-up duration and priceEnglish language requirements
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)International Business and Trade*
B2 level certificate**link
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)Branding & Activation*
B2 level certificate**link

* Thomas More will evaluate each student (with an AP degree) individually considering student ECTS credits and grades. After evaluation of the application form university will send you an individual offer to start studies in a higher semester.

** TOEFL, IETS Academic, FCE, CAE certificates passed at B2 level or a Duolingo test with a minimum of 110 points. The certificate may be older than 2 years. A student who has a High School diploma with English exam from: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, may be exempted from the adittional English language test.



 ➤  Ważne informacje

  • Znaczna część powyższych kierunków nie znajduje się na oficjalnych stronach uczelni.
  • Aplikacja na te kierunki odbywa się przez formularz aplikacyjny Kastu.
  • Długość trwania studiów Top-UP na powyższych kierunkach może zależeć od ilości punktów ECTS zdobytych do tej pory i ocen.


 ➤  Proces aplikacji

  1. Wypełnij i wyślij formularz aplikacyjny Kastu. Zrób to jak najszybciej i nie później niż 1 maja (na niektóre kierunki w Belgii będzie możliwość aplikowania po tym terminie).
  2. Twoja aplikacja zostanie sprawdzona przez konsultantów Kastu - jeśli coś wymaga poprawy lub czegoś brakuje - damy Ci znać.
  3. Uczelnia przeanalizuje Twoja aplikację i w ciągu kilku tygodni prześle Ci ofertę.
  4. Cały proces aplikacji będzie koordynowany przez Kastu - jeśli w jego trakcie napotkasz jakieś trudności i problemy, pomożemy Ci je rozwiązać :)


 ➤  Ogólne wymagania aplikacyjne

  • Wypis punktów ECTS z AP Degree.
  • Dyplom AP Degree (jeśli jeszcze go nie posiadasz, załącz curriculum z Twojego kierunku studiów AP Degree).
  • Dowód osobisty lub paszport.
  • Matura i świadectwo ukończenia szkoły średniej.
  • Certyfikat językowy (taki jak np. IELTS lub TOEFL, nie starszy niż 2 lata w momencie aplikacji) jest wymagany przez belgijską uczelnię UCLL UAS. Na Thomas More UAS potrzebny będzie certyfikat na poziomie B2, ale może być on starszy niż 2 lata (możesz też zdać Duolingo na min. 110 punktów). Na pozostałe uczelnie wystarczający będzie Twój dyplom ze studiów AP Degree.
  • List motywacyjny jest wymagany przez uczelnię Howest.
  • Portfolio będzie wymagane na uczelnię Howest UAS - informacje na temat tego co powinno znaleźć się w Twoim portfolio otrzymasz już po zaaplikowaniu.
  • Referencje nie są wymagane przez żadną z uczelni.