Fashion Design

VIA Design, Technology & Business
Miasto, kraj
Herning, Denmark
Czas trwania studiów
1.5 lata
Zakres programowy
Design, Fashion Design
Koszty studiowania
0 €
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery

In Fashion Design you will acquire a more profound knowledge of trends, sociology, development of ideas, materials and product development making you able to work in an experimental and creative manner with the design process and the product. 

The course programme focuses on visual expression, and you will learn to prepare graphic presentation material of a high standard so that you can present your work in a professional manner.
Throughout the semesters you will strengthen your analytical talents enabling you able to develop products that consider the interests and demands of the fashion industry. 
You will develop your own design image and acquire knowledge and methods to enable you to work with a view to having an influence on future design. 
The course programme will enable you to take part in interdisciplinary work. Through work experience you will form close relations to the business, expanding your own network and boosting your CV.
Ważne wymagania
  • Admission assignment - na ten kierunek wymagane jest wykonanie specjalnego zadania rekrutacyjnego. Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć zadania z ubiegłych lat, skontaktuj się z nami

With a Bachelor Degree in Fashion Design, you will typically be working as a freelance designer or as a designer in a company developing clothing products or accessories for the lifestyle industry.

Examples of companies are:
  • Design companies within clothing
  • Design companies within accessories
  • Commercial company, as product support in a purchasing department
  • Trend agencies, fashion magazine, TV/theatre, etc.. 
VIA Career Service Centre

VIA University College is already making a huge effort to help international students find internships and jobs in Denmark. For several years, our Career Service Centre has been offering VIA students help and guidance in searching for jobs and internships in Denmark by offering workshops on “how to write a CV”,or “how to write an application”. The Centre also organizes company dating – a campus fair where students get to meet a lot of Danish companies to hear more about career opportunities. The Career Service Centre is currently intensifying these activities in response to both the Ministry’s and VIA’s wish for international students to remain in Denmark after graduation. We will be offering graduates even more events and opportunities to meet the companies, just as the opening hours at the Career Service Centre have been extended and more seminars will be held. We want our international students to experience that access to the Danish companies and to the Danish labour market will be even easier in the future.

Attached you can find more information about some of the coming events, just as you can find more information on Facebook and on our website :

VIA Website: Career Service Centre

Facebook: Career Service Centre