International Business & Languages

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Miasto, kraj
Deventer, Netherlands
Czas trwania studiów
4 lata
Zakres programowy
Business Administration, International Business, Management, Organisation & Leadership, Languages
Koszty studiowania
2530.00 EUR
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery
Do you have a strong affinity with foreign languages and cultures and do you aspire to an international career? Saxion’s International Business and Languages higher education programme offers a varied roster of courses to introduce you to the international professional field.

When you enroll for International Business, you will have to select one of the two study routes after the first semester: International Business and Languages or International Business and Management Studies. In the first semester, you will get acquainted with both programmes and make a definite choice for the programme which suits you best. This way you can easily switch and use the first six months as an orientation.

After the first semester, you will have to select one of the two study routes: International Business and Languages or International Business and Management Studies.

The International Business and Languages programme

Did you know that in Japan, it is a sign of respect to bring a small present to a business meeting? The International Business and Languages programme will provide you with in-depth knowledge of other cultures and languages. A solid foundation in economics, marketing and communication will make you a global citizen who feels at home in the business world. With your talent for building bridges between different cultures, you can instantly identify the needs of business partners from, for example, Sweden, so that you can capitalise on it.

What will you be learning?

The International Business and Languages study route is fully taught in English and offers a solid basis for realising your international ambitions. A mixture of languages, intercultural management, economics and export marketing will turn you into a commercial specialist. During your studies, a lot of the focus will be on personal development and an agreeable balance between lectures and project-based learning. We maintain close ties to the business community and our partner institutions abroad. As a result, you have the opportunity to study abroad for as many as three semesters.

Wymagania rekrutacyjne
  • Wypis ocen – jeśli wciąż się uczysz i dlatego nie masz jeszcze świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej, bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.
  • Świadectwo dojrzałości i świadectwo ukończenia szkoły średniej – w przypadku ukończenia szkoły średniej nie potrzebujesz wypisów ocen – wystarczy, że do formularza aplikacyjnego załączysz Świadectwo dojrzałości wraz ze świadectwem ukończenia liceum lub technikum.

Przed aplikacją sprawdź wymagania bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni. W przypadku problemów ze znalezieniem szczegółowych, aktualnych wymagań, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.


Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego

Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w jeden z następujących sposobów:

  • IELTS - 6.0
  • TOEFL – 80

Careers in the professional field of International Business

We are living in an increasingly globalised world with increasing international trade. With your extensive knowledge of languages, cultures and economics, you take up a pivotal position. You understand cultural barriers, speak multiple languages and have a thorough knowledge of economics and exports.
After your International Business and Languages studies, you can become employed as

  • an export manager (e.g. for DHL)

  • a relations manager

  • an account manager with an accountancy firm

  • or as a communications advisor with a bank.

What type of company will employ you?

After your International Business and Languages studies, you will have excellent international career prospects. The types of company that you could end up working for include financial institutions, banks, transport companies and accountancy firms. You could also become a marketing or communications advisor or work abroad.

Continuing your studies after the International Business and Languages programme

Do you want to continue your studies after the International Business and Languages programme? It is possible to progress to related university programmes with an economic or international character.